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Unbranded, 3712[^]2ebd0119 An Idiot Abroad (Blu-Ray)

Are the Seven Wonders really as wondrous as everybody says? Karl Pilkington doesnt think so, but the
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Unbranded, 3712[^]2ebd0119 An Idiot Abroad (Blu-Ray)
Are the Seven Wonders really as wondrous as everybody says? Karl Pilkington doesnt think so, but then Karl is no Michael Palin. Hes more of a Lanzarote man to be precise, who hates travelling and prefers throwing sand at crabs or, at a push, eating English food in Spain. In his mind, Pisa is badly built ...its a hazard, the Pyramids have a crap design ...all the space at the bottom and nowt at the top and the Taj Mahal is probably shit at the back. Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant a

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